Thursday, August 12, 2010

6 months later

Not much has changed. Still waiting for my little girl to come home... could be any time now. There's a court hearing next week so we're praying that we get some good news.

I've been sitting here reading old posts and it makes me really miss writing. I wish that I could say I'm going to be faithful at it, but life gets in the way. I'm trying to figure out this whole homeschooling 2 kids at once thing and I know that soon I will be adding a toddler into the mix, so my life is not about to get easier. I am thankful for this season of my life. It is different than anything I have ever experienced or ever expected, but I think I like it. I'm still learning what it looks like to be a homeschooling mom, but for the first time since we started I really feel like this is what I want to be doing (not just what I should be doing).

God has truly blessed me. He is holding me close even when it is a struggle for me to hold onto him. These almost three years of waiting for our daughter have been long and draining, both emotionally and spiritually, but I do know that God is faithful and His plan is perfect. I don't always understand it, but I know I can trust it. Some days are better than others. So are some weeks.

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