Thursday, March 13, 2008


I cried as I watched this video clip and consider my adoption into God's family by his Grace. As well as being reminded of why we press on to bring our baby home from Ethiopia. There have been days recently when I have thought "Are we really doing the right thing for our family? Have we made the right decision?" The answer is yes. It's not about what is easy or comfortable but what will bring glory to my Father in heaven.


jes said...

hey janet, the second jen told me you guys were adopting I thought it was the coolest idea and plan i've ever heard. i love it. i hope to do the same one day! its the most amazing thing you could do for another person!
cant wait to one day meet the newest addition to your family, when he/she arrives.

lindsay said...

Janet, I am so excited for you guys. I can only imagine that there is so much anticipation in the waiting. I will pray for you guys as you wait to welcome your little one into your arms.