Monday, January 5, 2009

Trying Something

I thought maybe I would try something new since I can never find the time to blog, or let's be honest... when I have the time, I just don't feel like it. Often, as I am reading (my husband would probably laugh at the "often" part of my statement, but it is actually true) and I think on the things I am reading I begin to compose what I think would be a good blog post in my head. Problem is, it never actually makes it to the blog. So, I've decided to just try to share bits and pieces of the things I am learning. Sometimes I may have something to say about it and sometimes it will just be a quote or verse that will share with you what's on my mind and maybe give you something to think about too. Like I said... I am trying something new. Hopefully I can maintain it, but I don't make any promises.

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