We had a great Christmas. I got a new laptop. It's an awesome gift and you can understand how much I really appreciate it if you know about my old one. Here's the newbie...
We had to clean out the old toys the Sunday before so we could make room for the new ones coming. We finished our dining room just before Christmas and we had the Clark family over for Christmas dinner. Andy made two ducks with orange sauce, and I made all the sides. We're a pretty good team. Here's a couple more pics, it's our dining room...
I am in cleaning and organizing mode these days. I don't know how long it will last, but I am glad about it for as long as it does. My house hasn't seen so much energy from me in a while. I am going through bags and closets, I am washing laundry before there is a whole load worth, yesterday I waxed the kitchen floor. I had no idea that my floor could ever look that good again. It's like an 36 week pregnant woman in nesting mode, CRAZY... But the house looks great. Every day I have a list of things to get done and everyday they are getting done. If you know me, you know this is not the norm. Today I did finally let one thing go, but I will be up first thing in the morning doing it.
Well, I'll post again soon...I hope.
Ooo! Fun! The dining room looks awesome!! I really can't wait to see it up close and personal. I wish I had your cleaning and organizing energy. I've been feeling blah lately, and this weather isn't helping matters. Anyway--enjoy your new laptop, and enjoy the fruits of your boundless energy! WAHOO!
All of these new posts just showed up for me! I've been checking all month ... that's weird.
I love it...
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