Sunday, January 7, 2007

super-double-chocolate-brownie with homemade vanilla ice cream, carmel sauce, hot fudge, don't forget the whipped cream on top

I had to laugh today as I looked over at two of my good friends sitting next to me holding hands. They have only been dating for 5 months and recently got engaged to be married. They came over for dinner this past week and I noted to Andy that they seemed like they were attached at the hip. This is not what is so funny... The humor hit me when I thought of our 5 year marriage and other friends who have been married for a little while (specifically Jen & Dave). J & D were here a week ago and as we all sat and watched tv together one evening the seating arrangements were so different than those of these new lovebirds. Jen and Andy each sat in their own Lazy Boy recliners Dave and I sat on the couch together and no one was looking at their significant other with eyes full of longing wishing they could be a little closer. Don't get me wrong, we love each other and we love to be close (our two children and Jen's expanding midsection are all evidence of that) but there's no constant physical affection being shown. It all seems so ridiculous when I think about how relationships begin and how they end up in the real world. It's so much easier now that we don't have to try so hard. We were talking with these new lovebirds about all the things that are different once you're married. It probably sounded horrible to people so "in love" but the truth is I am more in love now than I was back when it was all cuddle and hugs. (Well, it it was never ALL cuddles and hugs). I think this couple is sweet in the "super-double-chocolate-brownie with homemade vanilla ice cream, carmel sauce, hot fudge, don't forget the whipped cream on top sort of way". It's good, but you can't have it all the time, right? You can only have so much before you start throwing up. They don't know that the best is yet to come... I am really excited for them as they start this new adventure.


Jen said...

What?! Dave and I are ALWAYS attached at the hip. Haha. We do sometimes still sleep on a single couch together all night (well, when I'm not pregnant and when you don't give up your bed for me, haha), which I'm proud of. I agree though, the beginning is so fun but I love the way the comfort and closeness increases as time goes by. Love is just great, in general.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.