Thursday, February 1, 2007

business meetings aren't so bad

Today I am wasting my day being angry. There are a couple of things bothering me. First of all, my ex-sister-in-law is such a jerk and I am really angry with her because of how selfish she is and all that she has already put my brother-in-law through and all she continues to do just to make his life difficult. Also, Andy is away for business meetings and I am home doing what I always do. This would normally just be a time when I miss him and wish he were home with me, but today I am jealous and angry. He flew in to CO on Tuesday but didn't have any meetings that day so was able to go and do some touristy things as soon as he got there. He was then able to go out to dinner with other adults and just hang out afterwards. Last night he went out to dinner with the guys again and then stayed up hanging out at the bar til one in the morning (3 am, our time). He called to say goodnight when he got in for the night, which I requested so I wasn't angry that he called so late. I am just irritated that his "business meetings" are so freakin fun. All the while I am at home taking care of kids, and doing laundry. Why don't I get to go away for business meetings? Sure, a meeting from 9-5 might be pretty boring, but I would gladly sit through someone speaking at me for a day and a half if it meant I got 3 adult evenings to myself. Not only is he getting these 3 nights of break from the norm, but that means I am at home alone with no one coming home at 5:30 to help me out. I like to believe that I am extra irritated because I hardly sleep when he is away and so I am REALLY tired, but I am afraid it is just because I am tired in general and it makes me so stinking jealous that he gets this break. Well, this is me venting! I should make it clear that I'm not angry at Andy, just at the circumstances. I think someone should organize business meetings for stay-at-home moms. At least twice a year there should be a meeting where moms gather and learn something new that will help with their jobs. How about a 3-day seminar on tips for organizing your home? or a time management seminar that will help us to balance all of the things we have to do everyday? Ok, I'm finished for now. It's time to go to the grocery store.

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