Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dream Dinners

Alrighty, now for the fun stuff...

A friend of mine invited me to a "Dream Dinners" party the other night and I can't wait to tell everyone about it. The group of women who was invited met at the store and we all learned about how this Dream Dinners things works. Basically you schedule an appointment to go in to the store, you give them a list of the meals you want to prepare (chosen from their monthly menu), and then you go in and make a month worth of meals in 2 hours. They have all of the ingredients and recipes prepared so you just put it together and put it in a bag with cooking instructions and freeze it until you are ready to cook it. I will be going back in the first week of July to make my first group of meals. I chose to make 78 servings, which for us is about 29 days worth of meals, and it is only costing me $200. That is a month worth of entrees for $200. Sweet! Anyway, I just thought I would share this awesome discovery with you. I've heard of some others like it, but they were a bit more pricey. If you have something like this in your area and the prices aren't too bad I would suggest checking it out. Plus it is great fun to go with friends who might like to do it too.

1 comment:

Jen said...

This does sound really cool! Plus, you get to make dinner with people instead of all alone. Sounds like a win-win to me.