Friday, June 15, 2007


Okay, I've been writing a post for two days about some things I have been thinking about this week, but I am sitting here trying to finish it and all I can think about is how angry I am.

Angry? About what? I don't know. I am just miserable about everything. I feel like I am under attack. I just keep begging God to change my attitude because I know I can't change it on my own. Every time I decide to be more pleasant or less irritable I just collapse again. I don't even feel like I can function. I feel terrible for my family. They can't possibly want to be around me. I don't even want to be around myself. Ugh!


Emily said...

Oh, I'm sorry that you feel miserable, Jan. :-( Believe me when I say that I know how you feel! I just wrote in my post today (before I read your post) that asking myself, "What am I not believing about God?" often helps me feel better when I'm feeling icky. It helps me to remind myself that God is big, and that He cares, and that He loves me, and that He's good...all those things. I hope you feel unmiserable soon--it's Friday!! See you tomorrow at the run/walk.
Love you, me

Jen said...

I'm sorry, friend! I wish had read this earlier, I would have called you this weekend. I keep thinking about how much I miss you. I'll pray for you today.